CYTOLOGIA Encouragement Award

We are looking for an applicant.

The Japan Mendel Society is looking for candidates for the 10th CYTOLOGIA Encouragement Award.

The Japan Mendel Association, a public interest incorporated foundation, has established the CYTOLOGIA Encouragement Award since 2014 to encourage researchers who will lead the future in the fields of cytogenetics and cell biology, and this year will be the 10th. CYTOLOGIA is Japan's first European-language magazine, first published in 1929. Winners will be awarded a prize (30,000 yen), a certificate, and a plaque, and will be asked to submit a review article to CYTOLOGIA and give a lecture at academic societies related to the Japan Mendel Association.

Qualification requirements:

A Japanese researcher who is expected to be active in the fields of cytogenetics and cell biology, and has a paper published in CYTOLOGIA.


Editor self-recommended or otherwise recommended.

Application documents:

Curriculum vitae (PDF), Research outline (A4, PDF), Research Achievement (A4, PDF, Please arrange the original papers, review articles, and books in order of publication year and underline the applicants. Only after publication or acceptance.), PDF files of two representative papaers.

Application method:

Please send the above PDF file as an attached document to the following address by e-mail. If the application documents exceed 20Mb, please send them separately. We will send you an email to accept the application documents within one week. If you do not receive the acceptance email within one week after sending, please contact the following address.

Application address:

The Japan Mendel Society
2-27-2 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 Epoch Hongo,


December 24, 2022 (effective postmark)